
Bloom Making Skin Happy in Bozeman, Montana offers a full line of natural and organic skin care products and services. We conduct all of our services using only our very own Bloom Making Skin Happy organic skin care products. Schedule today and get your organic skin treatment!

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Bloom Making Skin Happy proudly uses our own organic skin care line in all of our facial services. Products are available for purchase here on our web site!

Oxygen 3 in 1 Super Facial..........99

Breakthrough and innovative technology with this facial treatment! Exfoliates, oxygenates, and infuses the skin resulting in unparalled skin nourishment and super oxygenated skin by treating your skin at a deeper level. Leave after one treatment with a gorgeous complexion and younger looking skin. This Super Facial is great for all skin types.

Oxygen Infusion..........99

Oxygen has incredible regenerative powers and is one the most essential elements for human life. The oxygen around us helps keep our bodies and skin free from impurities. But as we grow older oxygen levels in our skin naturally decline, which contributes to wrinkles and fine lines. The Oxygen Infusion Facial is designed to replenish the levels of oxygen in your skin, smoothing out wrinkles and restoring a youthful appearance to your fae. After an Oxygen Infusion Facial, you can expect to see a more refreshed and rejuvenated complexion. No down-time, stinging, burning, or redness. You know the look… a well-rested just back from vacation glow.

Soft Peel..........55

This facial uses ultrasound vibration to exfoliate your skin and allow for deeper penetration of skin care products. For those with sensitive skin and rosacea as an alternative to microdermabrasion. Add Oxygen Infusion for extra glow and radiance.

Microdermabrasion 6 Pack..........375

Microdermabrasion is the ultimate in skin exfoliation - a key to healthy, glowing skin. Microdermabrasion gently and effectively smooths skin surface, softens fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes sun damage and acne scars, reduces pore size and evens out skin tone. Return to daily activities immediately following treatment.

Revitalizing Bloom............70

Relax and repair your skin under steam while enjoying a deep clean, exfoliation, toning, and moisture infusion. Citrus explosion!!

Add Glycolic Peel..........10

Add Oxygen Infusion..........35

Add Oxygen Infusion to any facial for that extra glow and radiance. This is an add on of Oxygen Infusion only, and does not include the exfoliation incorporated into the Oxygen Infusion Facial.


Ditch your lash curler and mascara with our Lash Lift. Have sumptuous, gorgeous lashes in 40 minutes that stay retained after a shower, and even after swimming. Makes short or long eyelashes longer without extensions..and lasts 6-8 weeks!

One Time Visit..........55


brow design..........15
upper lip..........10

full leg..........65
half leg..........35
bikini line..........22
tummy trail..........5






Intensify the color of your lashes and brows.



Please call 24 hours prior to cancel your appointment, because it's a nice thing to do!

Bloom Making Skin Happy - 406.587.2565

Book an Appointment via Schedulicity Below!